
Healing Touch for Body and Mind

Welcome to a sanctuary where each touch is a step towards wellness. I’m Lori, bringing over 20 years of holistic bodywork and massage expertise to every session.

With a diverse array of techniques from deep tissue, swedish, thai / shiatsu to hawaiian Lomilomi massage, my practice is devoted to nurturing your health, alleviating discomfort, and enhancing your well-being.

Mobile services are available with mobile fee's applied over 15km from Invermere, BC

Tailored to Your Needs

Our Massage Therapies

Understanding that healing is deeply personal, I integrate these therapies to suit your individual wellness goals. Whether you're seeking relief from pain, looking to reduce stress, or simply in need of relaxation, your massage session is customized to meet your needs.

Deep Tissue Massage

Experience relief from chronic pain and sports-related injuries with deep tissue massage. This technique uses slow, deep pressure to target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissue, helping to increase blood flow, reduce inflammation, and ease tension.

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage offers a gentle approach to relaxation. With light pressure, this therapy promotes overall relaxation, reduces muscle tension, and improves circulation, making it the perfect antidote to the stresses of daily life.

Shiatsu Massage

Rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shiatsu employs rhythmic finger pressure along meridian pathways to affect the body’s internal systems. This therapy helps restore balance, relieve pain, and enhance energy flow throughout the body.

Myofascial Release

Fascia, the connective tissue surrounding muscles and organs, plays a crucial role in your body’s function. Myofascial release techniques gently stretch and release these tissues, improving range of motion and alleviating pain from injuries or chronic conditions.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy uses suction to stimulate blood flow and relieve muscle tension. This ancient technique is particularly effective for deep muscle pain, inflammation, and to promote relaxation and well-being.

Lomilomi Massage

Immerse yourself in the healing traditions of Hawaii with Lomilomi massage. This unique therapy combines flowing, rhythmic strokes with the nurturing warmth of aloha, promoting deep relaxation and a sense of harmony and balance.


Reflexology is the practice of applying pressure to specific points on the feet, hands and ears that correspond to organs and systems throughout the body. Practitioners use thumb and finger techniques on these reflex points to relieve stress, improve circulation, unblock nerve signals and support the body’s natural homeostatic functions.

The underlying principle is that reflex points on the extremities connect to their related organs and body parts via energy pathways.

Reflexology aims to remove blockages in these pathways, thereby restoring flow and function to the associated areas for therapeutic benefit

The Benefits of Massage Therapy

Email us to find out more if you aren’t sure if massage can help with your condition.

Lori Bru Massage

Why Choose Lori Bru for Massage Therapy?

With decades of experience and a passion for holistic wellness, I offer a compassionate and skilled approach to massage therapy.

My practice is a space where you can feel truly cared for, where your health and well-being are the priorities, and where each session is a step towards a more balanced and vibrant life.

Massage Therapy FAQ

Deep tissue, Relaxation, Active Release, Structural Alignment, Somatic Integration. After doing your intake form and hearing what is going on, a decision will be made as to what would be best.

After doing deep work, it is supportive to drop into the stillness of Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy. It is in this state that healing and change can begin to take place.

Typically my clients book 90 min or 2 hour sessions. That being said, 1 hour sessions are available. My rates are $100 an hour plus GST.

This depends – once a month for maintenance or successive sessions may be in order for a rehab injury, chronic pain, concussions, ect. It’s a lot to do with how the body responds, it may go from 1 time a week to once every 2 weeks to one time a month.

General Inquiries and Logistics

Services may be covered by your extended health plan.

You can book an appointment by text, email, or by booking a discovery call to see if we are a good fit. There is a 24 hour cancellation policy.

My approach is to always listen to the body, the body knows what it needs to do to come back into health. Support is the best way to encourage health. Presence is key, it provides the space for healing to happen. Presence also allows for the subtle and intuitive prompts to be felt and received.

After a session you may be given self-care tools like stretches, how to use balls, rollers. If it is coaching you may be given ways to self regulate, journal, meditate.

Voices of Transformation

Hear from those who have embarked on their healing journey with me. These stories of transformation highlight the power of holistic healing and the positive changes it can bring to your life.

Schedule Your Massage Today

Embark on a journey of relaxation and rejuvenation. Contact Lori Bru Wellness to schedule your massage therapy session and discover the transformative power of healing touch.